National Apprenticeship week is celebrated this February, with the theme of ‘Skills for Life’.

National Apprenticeship week aims to explore and showcase the benefits of apprenticeships in providing the essential skills and knowledge for a rewarding career. Recent studies indicate that a significant number of young people, approximately one in three, are moving their focus from pursuing a university education to more technical options such as apprenticeships.  

Apprenticeships provide a fantastic opportunity for individuals of any age. They combine the advantages of a paid position and the acquisition of necessary skills; apprenticeships offer structured training and valuable hands-on experience in the workplace.  

An industry that often gets overlooked when it comes to Apprenticeships is the Manufacturing industry. This sector is a fundamental component of the UK economy, offering employment opportunities that can not only provide high-quality work but also once you have secured your role after your apprenticeship, you can look forward to a well-paid career.  

Research indicates that the UK manufacturing industry is currently looking for new talent, there is a significant shortage of skilled workers, resulting in a staggering 70,000 job vacancies. Unfortunately, applicants are lacking the necessary experience and skills to meet the demands of the positions. This is where manufacturing apprenticeships come in, this is the perfect way to get trained up on all you need to know about the skills your specific manufacturing role requires and to gain the invaluable experience the apprenticeship can give you. The manufacturing community is working together to invest in training and meet these challenges head on.  

The manufacturing sector offers a wide range of job opportunities, as any role that involves transforming raw materials into new products falls under manufacturing. This means there are many roles available in this filed, including engineers, designers and quality control operatives.  

Contrary to the belief that manufacturing jobs are limited to factory work with unconventional hours, there are many versatile and appealing jobs that offer excellent potential for career growth. Employers in the manufacturing sector value employees with technical expertise and specialised skills. Additionally, working with cutting-edge technology in the manufacturing industry can be exciting and provide employees with valuable knowledge and expertise. 

If you are interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing, you should research the various roles to understand if any areas interest you and fit your future career aspirations. As there are so many jobs readily available, it can generally be easier to get a job and easier to progress than it can be in other industries where there is more competition in the job market. 

Also, it is important to note that over 90% of apprentices go into work or further training after their apprenticeship course has finished, this indicates the high possibility rate of gaining a secure job once you have completed your apprenticeship.  

Although it is important to address skills shortages in various industries, we wanted to place a focus on Manufacturing as we want to showcase the benefits of working in this sector. We aim to shine a light on the opportunities that the manufacturing industry can offer as they can often go unnoticed.  

Moreover, in the Manufacturing industry, securing a job and moving up the career ladder can be comparatively easier than other industries, as there are many jobs available and the competition to gain the roles is not as fierce. This also implies a higher level of job security.  

Roles within the manufacturing sector can often provide a sense of fulfilment that other industries do not, as individuals are creating products that are utilised worldwide, allowing them to contribute to the UK’s economy and take pride in their work.  

To summarise, if you are looking for a fulfilling and challenging profession, you should consider the manufacturing sector. Start an apprenticeship in the manufacturing industry and look forward to diverse job prospects, competitive salaries, and an abundance of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embrace the exciting career options available in this dynamic field today.  

Get in touch with our Apprenticeship recruitment team today at GC Education and Skills, we are here to support you every step of the way.  

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