As we approach Earth Day (22nd April) we’re focusing on our commitment to support Greater Manchester’s target to become Net Zero by 2036. Hear from Jeannie Paschalis in our Leadership, Skills and Social Impact Team and read about how she is meeting her carbon pledges, making a difference and encouraging others to do the same.
About me
I joined the LSSI team within the GM Business Growth Hub, back in November 2023 and was immediately impressed with their commitment to the environment and the work they were doing not only to reduce their own Carbon Footprint but to encourage colleagues to reduce their own too. I have spent the last three years encouraging others to make positive environmental changes, it really aligned with my values.
Carbon Literacy Training
As supporters of the Carbon Literacy Project, Home - The Carbon Literacy Project Growth Company colleagues are encouraged to attend a one-day Climate Literacy Course to learn and also to make a pledge to reducing our own personal footprint. In my experience, this type of training is wonderful but can easily be forgotten if it is not kept alive amongst colleagues.

Team LSSI Actions
To keep this learning alive and encourage my colleagues to continue with their pledges, I have been incorporated into the monthly team meeting agenda to champion and encourage their ongoing commitment to supporting the environment, identify challenges, celebrate successes, share ideas and record the emissions we are reducing.
What I do
I recognise there is a climate emergency, but I try and take the stress out of the situation as it can be overwhelming for individuals. I have encouraged my colleagues to download The Earth Hero App as this gives manageable actions and goals, so month on month you are reducing your carbon footprint and make real life positive changes. I have engaged in climate coaching to understand what is important to them and try to identify barriers that may be stopping them to make changes. I am recording the reduction as a team and this is very encouraging as it is engaging more colleagues to take part.
Commit to Change on Earth Day- What can you do about it?
- Enrol colleagues onto a Carbon Literacy course, ensure they make a pledge on how they will reduce their Carbon Emissions.
- Have a Climate Champ on every team and give them a voice and time to share ideas and learning.
- Give the Climate Champ a slot on the Team Meeting agendas to discuss pledges, challenges, successes and celebrate the work that is taking place within your team to support the environment.
- Have a way to measure and record emission reductions. The Earth Hero App can do this, research other apps available and have a call to action to encourage colleagues to download it. App | Earth Hero
- Have a chart, each month update it and visually show the team the reduction they have achieved collaboratively each month, compare it to objectives.
- Live it, this must come from the Top Down, as well as the Bottom Up, ensure it's part of your vision and values, add it to appraisals and celebrate company wide individuals and teams that are making a difference.
My Success Story – How I inspired others.
Pam Mistry’s Story
Pam reduced her Carbon Emissions by swapping cows milk for oat milk
By doing this Pam has reduced her emissions each month by 498.34 Kg. Just by changing one household habit.
Each of these weighs roughly the same as Pam’s reduce household emissions.
- Dromedary camel (adult)
- Grand piano
- Mini caravan
- Gray whale (new born)
- Horse (adult)
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