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As we move into the second quarter of 2024, we are seeing a variety of funding calls with lots of opportunities for international collaboration particularly focussed on emerging and green technologies and improved Cyber resilience across our energy, water, waste, infrastructure, transportation and defence sectors.

There is a focus on AI, Health, advanced materials and manufacturing, future leaders and the Women in Innovation Awards are launching soon!

Funding closing in May 2024 

High Performance Computing (HPC) Innovation Voucher
Gain access to £5,000 vouchers for the Hartree Centre’s powerful high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. Explore faster simulations, efficient projects, and enhanced competitiveness.
Deadline: 17 May 2024

Funding competition UK-South Korea CR&D 2024
UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £6 million for the purpose of developing innovative proposals with South Korea. You must collaborate with at least one South Korean business applying under the equivalent KIAT or KETEP programme.
Deadline: 22 May 2024 11:00am

Unlocking Space for Business 2024
The aim of the Unlocking Space for Business competition is to offer financial services and transport & logistics companies, alongside satellite data and service partners, the chance to apply for a share of up to £3.5 million, inclusive of VAT and subject to affordability, to trial new solutions that use satellite data and services to benefit their organisation.
Projects must provide benefit to an end-user business within either the Financial Services or Transport & Logistics sectors, and must have a positive economic benefit to end-users within the UK.
Deadline: 22 May 2024

Digital Twin Energy Grids
UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £1.2 million for collaborative projects that enable digital twins, data interoperability and cyber resilience in the UK energy networks. This funding is from Innovate UK.
The aim of this competition is to improve the cyber resilience of the UK’s energy networks by enabling the development of digital twins. Collaborative applications from cybersecurity, data and digital twin SMEs from outside the energy sector are welcomed.
Deadline: 24 May 2024 11:00am

Safeguarded AI
Backed by £59M, this programme aims to develop the safety standards we need for transformational AI. The programme is looking for R&D Creators, individuals and teams that ARIA will fund and support, to research and construct computationally practicable mathematical representations and formal semantics to support world-models, specifications about state-trajectories, neural systems, proofs that neural outputs validate specifications, and “version control” (incremental updates or “patches”) thereof.
Deadline: 28 May 2024

NHS Cancer Programme - Innovation Open Call 3
NHS England has launched a new round of its funding competition for innovation in the early detection and diagnosis of cancer. Applications are invited for innovations or new approaches that will detect cancers earlier and increase the proportion diagnosed at stage one or two. The competition aims to fast-track high quality, proven, late-stage innovations into front-line settings, as well as address implementation evidence gaps. The competition is open to all types of innovation, including but not limited to, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, digital health solutions, behavioural interventions, software, artificial intelligence, and new models of care.
Deadline: 29 May 2024 1:00 pm

Resource-efficient or bio-based materials and manufacturing, FS 2
UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £1 million for innovative feasibility studies in advanced low carbon manufacturing. This funding is from Innovate UK and BBSRC. The aim of this competition is that UK materials and manufacturing will be net zero and resource efficient. Your project must relate to one or both of the following themes:
• resource efficient materials and manufacturing
• sustainable bio-based materials and biomanufacturing
Deadline: 29 May 2024 11:00am

Royal Society Short Industry Fellowships, April 2024
The Short Industry Fellowships scheme is open to talented researchers, especially early career researchers, in academia or industry in the UK.
The aims of the scheme are to:
• Support mobility of excellent academic or industry researchers (and/or their postdoctoral researcher) between the two sectors in the UK, across the natural sciences
• Enable the fellow to initiate and develop collaborative links between the academic and industry organisations, which may lead to longer term collaborations (and can seek further funding through the Industry Fellowship)
• Support the career development of the fellow and/or their postdoctoral researcher gained through the working in the other sector
• Enhance knowledge exchange in science and technology between industry and academia. Awards must involve mobility between sectors i.e. UK based private industry and a UK university or a not-for-profit research organisation.
Deadline: 29 May 2024

Funding closing in June 2024

UK - Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D Round 3
UK registered organisations, collaborating with at least one German SME applying under the equivalent German ZIM programme, can apply for a share of up to £4 million for collaborative projects resulting in innovative solutions in emerging technologies.
Applications from the following emerging technology areas are encouraged:
• Quantum
• AI
• Semiconductor Applications
• Engineering Biology
• Future Telecommunications
• Green Technologies (including hydrogen and battery technologies)
Deadline: 3 June 2024 11:00am

DASA competition: Protecting Physical Assets from Uncrewed Aerial Systems Attack
DASA are seeking proposals that can protect physical assets against an attack from Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS).
Deadline: 13 June 2024

Future Leaders Fellowships: round 9, business and non-academic
UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £110 million for ambitious research and innovation projects in any sector, and tailored support to develop careers for future leaders. This funding is from UKRI.
The aim of this competition is to:
• support ambitious research and innovation to tackle difficult and novel challenges
• support excellence in innovation, across interdisciplinary boundaries and sectors
• develop, retain, and attract the next wave of research and innovation leaders
Deadline: 25 June 2024 11:00am
Closing July

UK-Taiwan CRD 2024
UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £5 million for the purpose of developing innovative proposals with Taiwan. You must collaborate with at least one Taiwan business applying under the equivalent DoIT programme. The projects Innovate UK fund are expected to result in a new product, industrial process or service, be innovative, involve a technological risk, and have high market potential.
Applications are encouraged from the following sectors:
• smart technology, for example next generation communication, semiconductor technology and space technology
• green energy technologies, for example electric vehicles, hydrogen transportation, renewable energy, future grids and carbon capture utilisation and storage
• smart manufacturing
• biotechnology, for example medical materials and devices
• service innovation, for example the Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, 5G and 6G
Deadline: 17 July 2024 11:00am

Current open calls

Knowledge Transfer Partnership
A KTP is a partnership open to:
• a UK-based business of any size or a not-for-profit organisation
• a university, college or research and technology organisation including Catapults.
We are looking for partnerships that help businesses to innovate, develop, grow and become more productive by employing academic expertise that they do not have in-house. Your project can focus on any type of innovation in any sector but it must aim to deliver results that your business would not otherwise be able to deliver. As a business, you may be looking for an academic partner to help you to address a particular innovation challenge.

Space4Rail ESA open call
Funding to support the use of space-based assets to improve the European Rail system. ESA open call "Space4Rail Downstream Applications in ARTES 4.0" aims to support the exploitation of space-based assets (satellite navigation, satellite communications and/or Earth observation) in innovative and sustainable applications/services:
1. Related to future control, command and signalling applications of the European Rail system;
2. Improving the performance and attractiveness of the railway, both for railway undertakings and end users.

Key Thematic Areas Of Interest

• Future control-command and signalling in the European Rail System
• Improving the performance of the railway
• Improving the attractiveness of the railway
Space4Rail (

Funded access to Catapults and RTOs to support growth & scaling
Innovative, ambitious businesses can benefit from the facilities and expertise provided by Catapults and Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs) through Innovate UK Business Growth (if decided it is appropriate as part of a client's advisory support from a specialist and not as stand alone application).
RTOs are specialised not-for-profit knowledge organisations dedicated to the development and transfer of science and technology to the benefit of the economy and society. They include hubs, laboratories, testbeds, factories and offices for cutting edge R&D. The Catapult network of technology and innovation centres established by Innovate UK supports businesses to transform great ideas into valuable products and services. Innovate UK Business Growth can offer applicants with a suitable project who are currently benefiting from their growth advisory support a grant for 100% of eligible costs to a maximum of £15,000.

Harness intellectual property
In conjunction with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), Innovate UK Business Growth are offering IP Audit grants of up to £2,500, with a contribution of £500 from you, to subsidise an IP audit carried out by an IP professional of your choice. The participating business should be receiving intensive business growth support from an innovation and growth specialist. I.e. this initiative is not available independently from our core service.

Horizon Europe Pump Priming Programme
The programme supports individual UK SMEs wanting to explore and access Horizon Europe collaborative research and innovation opportunities. Successful applicants will have access to grant funding of up to £6,000 (including VAT) and are advised to work with a UK National Contact Point in support of their project. Applicants are also given access to a highly experienced Innovate UK Business Growth innovation & growth specialist if they are not already a client, to further support their innovation and growth journey.

Global Explorers Programme
Global Explorers is an Innovate UK programme designed to support individual UK SMEs to explore global R&D and innovation opportunities. Global Explorers is an Innovate UK programme designed to support individual UK SMEs to explore global R&D and innovation opportunities to accelerate the development of their innovative ideas, products and services and global market access. Open exclusively to Innovate UK Business Growth clients, all successful applicants will have access to grant funding for 70% of eligible costs up to £21,000 and work with a highly experienced Innovate UK Business Growth innovation & growth specialist. Support/accelerators/Incubators

New York - Clean Growth
New York has ambitious goals to address challenges in energy, water, waste, infrastructure, transportation, and resiliency, including a goal of 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040. Applications are welcomed from innovative companies who could be developing technologies across a broad range of clean growth sectors.
Applications close: 7 June 2024
Programme commences: September 2024

GBIP in the USA - V2X Bi-Directional and Smart Charging
Innovate UK is inviting companies with expertise in bi-directional charging solutions to participate in a Global Business Innovation Programme with a market visit to the USA. The Global Business Innovation Programme, organised by Innovate UK, consists of a preparation phase, a seven day innovation visit focused on V2X bidirectional charging, a post-visit exploitation workshop and follow up support from an Innovate UK innovation and growth specialist, helping you your business maximise the opportunities identified, including developing innovation projects with partners in the territory. This initiative will be delivered physically and could include virtual activities.
Deadline: 19th June 2024

Global Incubator Programme: Singapore - AgriFood
Innovate UK seeks up to 8 SMEs in the agrifood and innovative food sectors to join their Global Incubator Programme with GROW in Singapore.
Deadline: 21 June 2024

Canada - Advanced Manufacturing
Innovate UK’s Global Incubator Programme is an acceleration programme for innovative businesses to work with world-leading incubators abroad.

We are currently accepting applications for up to eight innovative companies in the Advanced Manufacturing sector to join our programme with MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada. We would welcome applications from innovative companies who could be developing technology in the following focus areas:

• Materials for the future economy
• Smart design
• Resilient supply chains
• World-class production
• Longer in use and reuse
Deadline: 28th June 2024
First market visit: 19th - 26th October 2024
Second market visit: 15th - 22nd March 2025

Women in Innovation
Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation programme was launched in 2016 to address underrepresentation of women in business innovation and to encourage more of them to apply to Innovate UK’s funding opportunities.
Applications for Innovate UK Women in Innovation 2024/25 will open on 13 May.
Register for the candidate briefing event on 14 May.
Women in Innovation - Innovate UK Business Connect (

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