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Join "Green Leaders Leadership" online session, to develop you leadership skills. Grow your Green Tech business with expert guidance on leadership strategies


Green Leaders is a series of online bite sized sessions covering common business themes, specifically for leaders of Green Tech & Services businesses wanting to grow their organisation and implement strategies and processes. 

The sessions are delivered online by industry expert trainers and facilitators providing you with the tools and guidance to lead your business growth aspirations.  


Who is a Green Leader? 

These interactive sessions are aimed at senior managers from businesses operating in the Green Tech & Services sector wanting to implement new strategies and processes to accelerate growth.  


Session overview: 



Has your green tech business grown meaning you are now a business leader with responsibilities for not only business direction and growth but also people within the business? 

Becoming a successful business leader can be a challenge and doesn’t happen overnight but with the right tools and strategies growing your business by focusing on you and your leadership style can increase growth and create a sustainable and attractive business.

Through a 90-minute interactive workshop, delivered by our experienced trainers from Wayvie we will cover: 

  • Mindset & beliefs – harnessing your passion for the environment whilst being able to grow a profitable business.

How to connect with and be clear about your ‘why’, because your why will guide your decision making.

  • Recruitment & development – using your green purpose to attract and retain the best people.

In this section we’ll help you use your green purpose to attract and retain, develop likeminded people who want to make a difference to the planet.

  • Moving from ‘mate to manager’ - navigate the challenges of transitioning from being one of the team, to business leader 

As your business grows, recognising your role has to change to enable continued growth, we look at who you need to become as a leader.

  • Personal effectiveness – identifying key activities where you can add the most value 

As you develop as a leader, the day to day tasks and demands on your time will change, so how do you focus on the high value activities that are business critical and delegate effectively.

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Take that first step and we’ll support you with whatever you need to succeed.


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